Frequently Asked Questions


I Forgot My Username. How Do I Retrieve It?

Your username is the email you used when registering. If this doesn’t help, please email us at, and an HOSC representative will contact you.

I Forgot My Password. How Do I Get It?

Visit our “Forgot Your Password” page. Enter your username (the email address associated with your registration). An email with a temporary password will be sent to you, where you can log in and update your password.

Do I Have To Have An Email Address To Register?

Yes. Our website uses your email address to identify and keep you updated on the opportunities in which you have expressed interest. If you do not have an email account, you can get one free from or Free internet access is also available from most public libraries.

Can I Serve Court-Appointed Service Hours With Handson Suburban Chicago?

Yes. We have community partners who offer opportunities for those with court-appointed service hours. Search our list of opportunities to get in touch with these agencies.


How Does My Organization Become A Community Partner With Handson Suburban Chicago?

It’s easy to join! Please visit the Community Partnerships page to learn about the benefits of partnership and learn about next steps.

Still have questions?

If you have a question that isn’t addressed on this page, feel free to send your question via email to to connect with an HOSC representative.